Commentary, Encyclopedia Articles, and Public Writing

For more writing aimed at a popular audience, see my Substack "Uruguay in Perspective."

Co-Author with Yannick Kluch, "Despite Protest Rules, the Olympics Have Never Been Neutral," TIME, July 30, 2024.

Co-Author with Gabriela Fried Amilivia, "In Uruguay, Struggle for Memory and Accountability Continues, 50 Years On," NACLA, June 26, 2023.

"Uruguay's Autogolpe Fifty Years On: The State of Justice and Backlash Politics," ReVista: The Harvard Review of Latin America, May 9, 2023.

"Jimmy Carter and the ‘Torture Chamber of Latin America’: Examining a Human Rights Legacy,” Foreign Policy Research Institute, March 15, 2023.

"Progressive Politics Live on in the Streets in Uruguay," North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA), 55 no. 1 (Spring 2023), 5-9. 

"The Evolution of Transitional Justice in Uruguay," ​Oxford Research Encyclopedia on Latin American History (April 2022).

Co-Author with Yannick Kluch, "Rule 50 and Racial Justice: The Long History of the International Olympic Committee's War on Athletes' Free Expression," History News Network, August 22, 2021.

"Why Mexico is a haven for political exiles like Bolivia's former president Evo Morales," Washington Post, December 8, 2019. 

Co-Author with Jennifer Rich, "President Trump's executive order won't redefine Judaism, but it will complicate rising anti-Semitism," Philadelphia Inquirer, December 16, 2019.

Jimmy Carter’s Notre Dame Speech,” Voices and Visions Foreign Relations Reader, Digital History Project2017.

"Romero Jorge Rodriguez," Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017)

"Affirmative Action Tests Uruguay Government Commitment to Race," North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) (September 2, 2014).

"Uruguay's Complex Human Rights Landscape," Foreign Policy (July 29, 2014)

"Uruguay's No a la Baja Campaign Takes Center Stage,North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) (July 8, 2014).

"Chile" and "Wisconsin", Encyclopedia of World Poverty, 2nd edition (Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, forthcoming).

Co-author with Abby Goldberg, “Uruguay’s Struggle for Historical Accountability,” Upside Down World: Online Magazine for Politics and Activism in Latin American (July 25, 2013).

New Media Advocacy Project Blog,  2013 ( 

  • "Uruguayans Mobilize for the Montevideo Launch of Nunca Más Qué,” April 24, 2013

  • “CEJIL and N-Map Launch Nunca Más Qué”, March 11, 2013

  • “Gelman Hearing Sheds Light on the State of Uruguay’s Accountability Efforts,” Feb. 22, 2013

Contributing Writer, Latin Correspondent, 2014-2015 (

Contributing Writer, Independent Voters Network, 2012-2016. (

“Marie Meyer,” and “Yzetta L. Nelson,” An Encyclopedia of Women at War: From the Home Front to the Battlefields, ed. Lisa Tendrick Frank (ABC-Clio Publications, 2013).
“Human Rights,” Encyclopedia of Military Science (Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2013)

Co-author with Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton, “The Role of States in US Citizen Diplomacy,” The U.S. Center for Citizen Diplomacy (November 2010). 

Contributing Writer, Policy á la Carte, 2010. (