Articles and Book Chapters

"How Does a 'Neutral' Rule Become a Systematic Barrier to Social Justice?: Human Rights, the Neutrality Illusion, and the International Olympic Committee Rule 50 on Athlete Protest and Demonstrations," Sport Management Review  (April 2024), co-written with Yannick Kluch, et. al

"Opposing Affirmative Action: Covert and Coded Challenges to Racial Equality in Uruguay," in The Right against Rights in Latin Americaeds. Leigh Payne, Julia Zulver, and Simón Escoffier (New York: Oxford University Press, 2023). 

"The Road to Recognition: Afro-Uruguayan Activism and the Struggle for Visibility," in Narratives of Mass Atrocity: Victims and Perpetrators in the Aftermath, eds. Sarah Federman and Ronald Niezen, 140-169 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022).

“Operation Condor Trial: Transnational Prosecution and Its Effects,” in The Impact of Human Rights Prosecutions: Insights from European, Latin American, and African Post-Conflict Societies, eds. Rosario Figari Layus and Ulrike Capdepón (Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press, 2020). 

"Reagan and the Waning Years of Uruguay’s Military Rule: Democracy Promotion and the Redefinition of Human Rights,” in The Reagan Administration, The Cold War, and the Transition to Democracy Promotion, eds. Michael Schmidli and Robert Pee (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019): 189-208

"Uruguay's Long Transitional Decade and a New Era of Gendered Activism," Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies ​23 no. 1 (October 2017): 383-398.

"Silêncios, direitos humanos e o referendo uruguaio de 1989 sobre a lei de anistia," TALLER: Revista de Sociedad, Cultura, Politica en America Latina 4 no. 5 (2015): 43-62.

El Caso Gelman and the Battle Against Impunity in Uruguay,” in 40 Years is Nothing: History and Memory of the 1973 coups d’état in Uruguay and Chile, eds. Fernando Lopez and Pablo Leighton (UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015).

"Uruguay and the Re-conceptualization of Transitional Justice," in Transitional Justice and Legacies of State Violence in Latin America, eds. Marcia Esparza and Nina Schneider (Lexington Books, 2015), 135-153. 

"Sovereignty and Human Rights: Re-examining Carter’s Foreign Policy Towards the Third World," Diplomacy & Statecraft (June 2014): 303-330.

Moral Responsibility and the ICC: Child Soldiers in the DRC,” Eyes on the International Criminal Court 4 no. 1 (2007).